Why eat organic? 

 June 21, 2024

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There are many reasons to eat organic: to help protect the environment, change the way we think about food, or anchor ourselves in our local area. And if you want to collect the best organic marijuana and fast-flowering cannabis seeds, you can now legally buy them online!”


Why should you eat organic and bio? Here are some key reasons :


To protect the environment

By eating organically produced food, you are helping to protect the environment because the food is produced using practices that respect natural resources and heritage:


The land

We maintain soil fertility and structure through appropriate practices, such as rotation, green manures, and natural soil improvers.

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Preservation of life in the soil: no use of chemicals.



Limiting run-off: improving soil structure, planting hedges, etc.

Preservation of quality: no use of chemicals (fertilisers, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.).


Conservation of the genetic biodiversity of cultivated plants 

Preservation of wild flora and fauna to create a natural balance between natural enemies and pests.


Energy efficiency

Reduced indirect energy consumption: ban on fossil fuel-intensive chemicals.

Local marketing favoured reduced storage and transport costs.


The landscape

Diversity of crops,

Creation and maintenance of hedges, meadows, natural watercourses, etc.


Changing the way we eat

Eating organic means diversifying your diet and rediscovering the taste of food through the consumption of :

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  • Cereals: There are lots of them in a variety of flavours. Combined with legumes, they are a source of protein.
  • Seasonal vegetables: There is a wide variety of “forgotten” or “old” vegetables, such as different types of squash, tomatoes, parsnips, and tuberous parsley. Cooking these seasonal vegetables allows you to rediscover their authentic flavour and breaks the monotony of dishes that can sometimes lead you to want to eat tomatoes in winter.
  • Meat: organic farming methods (using breeds adapted to the area, moderate growth and respect for animal welfare) guarantee consumers quality meat.


Eating organic means putting food back into everyday life

Buying local organic produce gives food a different value: you know who produced it.

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Cooking with fresh organic produce means taking the time to discover new ingredients and recipes. It means (re)discovering the pleasure of cooking and tasting what you’ve prepared. In short, it’s a creative, gourmet, and convivial experience!


Anchoring yourself in the local area

Local sourcing reduces distribution costs, creates direct links between producers and consumers, helps maintain small farms and supports the local economy.


  • Organic farms employ 60% more labour than traditional farms for extended periods.
  • The organic sector encourages the development of small-scale and industrial local processing structures that source organic raw materials from local producers.
  • Organic farms are small-scale agricultural structures, enabling the survival of small farms that can easily be transferred.
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Is it really more expensive?

The answer is yes if you look at the prices on the labels. But if you scratch the surface of this evidence, the answer becomes more complex.


Organic and other branded products

Like all labelled products, certified organic products are more expensive than non-labelled foods. This is because the production conditions meet the requirements of the label specifications, which guarantee superior quality for the consumer.

Basic products, such as pasta, often cost the same as non-organic products, and sometimes less, particularly in specialist shops that sell products in bulk.


Organic and local distribution

Buying local organic produce (markets, baskets, farm-gate sales, specialist shops, some supermarkets) not only allows you to purchase fresh organic produce at a lower cost or the same price as conventional produce but also guarantees a decent income for the producer.

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Organic and the indirect cost to society

  • The organic sector creates more jobs than the conventional sector, which reduces the cost to society of managing unemployment;
  • The absence of synthetic chemical products (nitrogen fertilisers, pesticides) reduces the cost of water decontamination;
  • The health quality of organic products contributes to consumer health and does not generate additional costs for public health (cancers linked to the use of pesticides).


Et pour en revenir aux garines de vcannbis organqies de qualite, voici les choses a savoir :


L’achat de graines d’herbe en France est-il légal ?

La réponse courte est oui. Selon la loi française, les résidents sont légalement autorisés à acheter des graines de marijuana, qu’elles proviennent de banques de graines locales ou étrangères. Cependant, il y a une mise en garde que les cultivateurs français doivent connaître. Si l’achat de graines est légal, la réglementation actuelle ne permet pas de cultiver des graines de marijuana à domicile. Seule la culture du chanvre industriel est légale avec les licences adéquates.

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Acheter des graines de cannabis en ligne

La loi française vous autorise à acheter des graines de cannabis en ligne, quel que soit le lieu où se trouve la banque de graines. Cela signifie que vous n’avez pas à craindre que votre colis de graines soit saisi par les douanes. N’hésitez pas à passer commande auprès d’une banque de graines en ligne réputée comme SensorySeeds.com !


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